Blockchain Sleuth Calls Out Floyd Mayweather for Fraudulent Token Activities

Home Blockchain Sleuth Calls Out Floyd Mayweather for Fraudulent Token Activities
By: Antonio Smith / June 3, 2024

Blockchain Sleuth Calls Out Floyd Mayweather for Fraudulent Token Activities

  • Blockchain investigator Zackxbt recently exposed former boxing world champion Floyd “Money” Mayweather for his involvement in fraudulent token activities. The controversy erupted when Zackxbt responded to a now-deleted post on X (formerly Twitter), where Mayweather promoted a Solana address for his latest token. Zackxbt questioned whether Mayweather deserved a “13th chance,” highlighting the boxer’s history of promoting numerous failed and vanished projects.

  • Zackxbt emphasized that Mayweather has previously profited “tens of millions” from various crypto ventures, including Mayweverse, Ethereum Max, Bored Bunny, Real Floyd NFT, Moonshot, and several initial coin offerings (ICOs). This isn’t the first time Mayweather has faced scrutiny for his crypto activities; in 2018, he paid over $600,000 in fines for unlawfully touting coin offerings.

  • Mayweather’s repeated involvement in questionable projects has drawn significant criticism from the crypto community, with many urging investors to exercise caution. Zackxbt’s latest revelations serve as a stark reminder of the potential pitfalls in the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency investments.

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1 Comment

Jordan Phillip
June 3, 2024

Nice write up, thanks for sharing this information


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